Help for Lost Pets

Preventing Your Pet From Becoming Lost
- Do not leave your pet unattended outside your home.
- Checked fenced areas regularly to make sure they are secure.
- Keep your pet on a leash with a proper fitting collar when not in an enclosed area.
- Train your pet to come when called.
Get Reunited With Your Pet Sooner
- Keep a tag with current contact information on their collar. We have an engraving machine and can help you make a tag for $5.
- Microchip your pet and update information regularly.
- Take pictures of your pet regularly should you need to make flyers.
Lost Your Pet?
- Contact local Animal Control, Sheriff Office and Shelters with a description of your pet.
- Make flyers to hang in local businesses and hand out in the area.
- Use social media to alert friends and ask them to share.
- Report a missing pet to Petco’s Love Lost site
- Post on NextDoor
Found a Pet?

If you do take a lost or abandoned pet into your home, please be aware that shelters are often full and may have a waitlist to release an animal into their care. Always report the missing animal to your local Animal Control as this is the primary way to reunite an owner with their missing pet.
- Use caution approaching unfamiliar, frightened or sick animals; they may act unpredictably.
- Check with neighbors to see if the animal is theirs or they have knowledge of who the animal may belong to.
- If possible, safely restrain the animal from leaving using a barrier, carrier or leash.
- Transporting unfamiliar unsecured animals is not advised, they may become frightened and aggressive.
- Contact local animal control or sheriff office to aide in transporting if help is needed.
- If you take the stray home, ALWAYS contact local animal control, sheriff office and shelters with a description.
- Have the animal scanned for a microchip at a veterinary office or shelter.
- Avoid contact between the stray and your pets and family, it may be sick or aggressive. Isolate.
- Take a picture and create a flyer to post in local businesses and hand out in the area.
- Run an ad in the local newspaper.
- Use social media to find the owners, ask your friends to share.
- Report a found pet to Petco’s Love Lost site
- Post on NextDoor.